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Pareshaan lyrics | Suzonn

Suzonn Pareshaan

Yoon toh beparwaa dil hae meraa
dhundhta firtaa hai andheraa
Dilchaspi unpe joo nahi hae
Bekhabar unse joo yahi hae....

Kyun aaj bhi hae nadaan
hae kya iskaa iraadaa
Takleefein naw v hoo toh

Najane dil kyun
Bewajah rehtaa pareshaan....

Khudse hi puchhuu kaisi talab hae
Lazmi hai bhi yaa bematlab hae
Shor yeh hotaa hi kyun ajab hae
Viraaniyo main miltaa adab hae....

Ish zehan koo hae khush-fehmiyaan
Sab dil ki hi hae galtiyaann
Beqasoor hi hae fir bhii
Najanee dil kyun
Bewajah rehtaa pareshaan....

Mujhsehee kyun naraz hoon mann tuu bataa
Mae kon hun maujood hun yaa hun laapataa
Kisse kahunn ulzhann mein hoon main khamakhaa
Main hoon galat yaa hoon sahi ye bhi naapataa....

Yeh fizool ki bechainiyann
Iss dil ki hae kamzoriyann
Befikar hi jiyee fir v
Najane dil kyunn
Bewajah rehtaa pareshaan....

Pareshaan gaane ko likhne wale aur sunane wale: Suzonn

"Pareshaan" is primarily concerned with the feelings of self-hatred, self-doubt, pessimism, and restlessness that are experienced by an individual. Sometimes it is possible to determine the cause, while other times there is no clear explanation. The latter scenario is terrifying since it appears as though there is no way out of the downward spiral that is being experienced. As the chasm begins to consume you, everything else around you appears to be without significance. You are unable to speak because the noises in your head are so intense and distracting.


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