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Kya pata lyrics | Osho Jain

Osho Jain Kya Pata

Mai jab bhi rota hunn,
Mujhe vo bohot yaad aata hae,
Jaise mujhe vo manata thaa,
Ab koi bhi naw manata hae,
Khud ko jab mai khota hunn,....

Mujhe vo bohot yaad aata hae,
Jaise mujhe vo samjhata thaa,

Ab koi bhi naw samjhata hae,
Kya vo bhii mujhe yaad karta hae,
Kya vo bhii akele me darta hae,....

Kya vo bhii har din thoda marta hae,
Kyaa pata, Kyaa pata..
Mai jab bhii nayi raah chunta huu,
Mujhe vo bohott yaad aata hae,....

Mai jab bhii naye khwaab buntaa hunn,
Mujhe vo bohot yaad aata hae,
Jaise vo saathh nibhata thaa,
Ab koi bhi naw nibhata hae,....

Jaise vo saathh me chalta thaa,
Ab koi bhi naw chal pata hae,
Kya vo bhii mujhe yaad karta hae,....

Kya vo bhii akele me darta hae,
Kya vo bhii har din thoda marta hae,
Kyaa pata, Kyaa pata....

Kya Pata ko banane wale aur likhne wale: Osho Jain

The song "Kya Pata" evokes a profound feeling of introspection on the listener's part. It gives voice to the suppressed wants and anxieties that many of us have, despite the fact that we are securely rooted in love and friendship. This is because it gives voice to the repressed desires and fears that many of us have. It is about thinking about someone else and wondering whether they are going through the same things that you are, in terms of their thoughts and feelings. It is the sort of melody that would be fine to play while drinking a cup of coffee or glancing out the window at the rain falling. It is also the kind of tune that would be appropriate to play while driving. Your cheeks will be wet with tears, but at the same time, it will provide you some much-needed consolation and help you feel better. ~Osho Jain


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